0) foreach($validation AS $validation) if(is_array($validation['hint'])) foreach($validation['hint'] AS $reason) if(!empty($reason)) $reasons[] = $reason; $reasons = array_unique($reasons); $reason = implode("
",$reasons); return $reason; } public static function initial($context) { $input_name = $context['input_name']; $value = $context['value']; $name = $context['name']; $rules = $context['rule']; $id = $context['id']; $valid = array( "input_name" => $input_name, "hint" => "", "error" => "", "err" => "" ); return $valid; } public static function validate($context) { $input_name = $context['input_name']; $value = trim($context['value']); $name = $context['name']; $rules = $context['rule']; $id = $context['id']; $failed_icon = 'invalid'; $success_icon = 'valid'; $rules_arr = explode("|",$rules); $status = true; $reasons = array(); foreach($rules_arr AS $rule) { if(!empty($rule)) { $rule_check = explode("[",$rule); if($rule_check[0] == "min_length") { $rule_check_arr = explode("]",$rule_check[1]); if(count($rule_check_arr) != 2) { $limit = $rule_check_arr[0]; $reasons[] = "$name is invalid"; } else { $length = $rule_check_arr[0]; $check_reason = self::$rule_check[0]($value,$name,$length); if(!empty($check_reason)) $reasons[] = $check_reason; } } else if($rule_check[0] == "max_length") { $rule_check_arr = explode("]",$rule_check[1]); if(count($rule_check_arr) != 2) { $limit = $rule_check_arr[0]; $reasons[] = "$name is invalid"; } else { $length = $rule_check_arr[0]; $check_reason = self::$rule_check[0]($value,$name,$length); if(!empty($check_reason)) $reasons[] = $check_reason; } } else if($rule_check[0] == "minimum") { $rule_check_arr = explode("]",$rule_check[1]); if(count($rule_check_arr) != 2) { $limit = $rule_check_arr[0]; $reasons[] = "$name is invalid"; } else { $length = $rule_check_arr[0]; $check_reason = self::$rule_check[0]($value,$name,$length); if(!empty($check_reason)) $reasons[] = $check_reason; } } else if($rule_check[0] == "maximum") { $rule_check_arr = explode("]",$rule_check[1]); if(count($rule_check_arr) != 2) { $limit = $rule_check_arr[0]; $reasons[] = "$name is invalid"; } else { $length = $rule_check_arr[0]; $check_reason = self::$rule_check[0]($value,$name,$length); if(!empty($check_reason)) $reasons[] = $check_reason; } } else if($rule_check[0] == "exact_length") { $rule_check_arr = explode("]",$rule_check[1]); if(count($rule_check_arr) != 2) { $limit = $rule_check_arr[0]; $reasons[] = "$name is invalid"; } else { $length = $rule_check_arr[0]; $check_reason = self::$rule_check[0]($value,$name,$length); if(!empty($check_reason)) $reasons[] = $check_reason; } } else { if($rule == "required") { $check_reason = self::$rule($value,$name,$id); if(!empty($check_reason)) $reasons[] = $check_reason; } else if($rule == "required_include_zero") { $check_reason = self::$rule($value,$name,$id); if(!empty($check_reason)) $reasons[] = $check_reason; } else { if((!in_array("required",$rules_arr)) && ($value == "")) {} else { $check_reason = self::$rule($value,$name,$id); if(!empty($check_reason)) $reasons[] = $check_reason; } } } } } $error_reason = ""; $error_reason = implode(", ",$reasons); $error_reason = (!empty($error_reason)) ? ''.$name." must ".$error_reason."!" : ""; $error = (count($reasons) == 0) ? "true" : "false"; $err = ($error == "false") ? $failed_icon : $success_icon; $reason[$name] = $error_reason; $valid = array( "input_name" => $input_name, "hint" => $reason, "error" => $error, "err" => $err ); return $valid; } public function minimum($value,$name,$length) { return ($value < $length) ? "be more than $length" : ""; } public function maximum($value,$name,$length) { return ($value > $length) ? "be less than $length" : ""; } public function min_length($value,$name,$length) { return (strlen($value) < $length) ? "contain more than $length characters" : ""; } public function max_length($value,$name,$length) { return (strlen($value) > $length) ? "contain less than $length characters" : ""; } public function exact_length($value,$name,$length) { return (strlen($value) != $length) ? "contain exactly $length characters" : ""; } public function valid_email($value,$name) { return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $value)) ? "a valid email address" : ""; } public function valid_emails($value,$name,$id = "") { $emails = explode(",",$value); $status = true; foreach($emails AS $email) { if(! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $value)) { $status = false; break; } } return (!$status) ? "a valid email addresses" : ""; } public function alpha($value,$name,$id = "") { return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z])+$/i", $value)) ? "contain only alphabetical characters" : ""; } public function alpha_numeric($value,$name,$id = "") { return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9])+$/i", $value)) ? "contain only alpha-numeric characters" : ""; } public function alpha_dash($value,$name,$id = "") { return ( ! preg_match("/^([-a-z0-9_-])+$/i", $value)) ? "contain only alpha-numeric characters, underscores or dashes" : ""; } public function numeric($value,$name,$id = "") { return (!preg_match( '/^[\-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/', $value)) ? "contain only numeric characters" : ""; } public function integer($value,$name,$id = "") { return (!preg_match( '/^[\-+]?[0-9]+$/', $value)) ? "contain only integers" : ""; } public function hour($value,$name,$id = "") { return (!preg_match( '/^([0-9]|[0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3])$/', $value)) ? "contain only hours from 0-23" : ""; } public function minute($value,$name,$id = "") { return (!preg_match( '/^([0-9]|[0-5][0-9])$/', $value)) ? "contain only minutes from 0-59" : ""; } public function is_natural($value,$name,$id = "") { return (!preg_match( '/^[0-9]+$/', $value)) ? "contain only a natural number: 0, 1, 2, 3, etc." : ""; } public function is_natural_no_zero($value,$name,$id = "") { if ($value == 0) { return "contain only a natural number, but not zero: 1, 2, 3, etc."; } else { if ( ! preg_match( '/^[0-9]+$/', $value)) { return "contain only a natural number, but not zero: 1, 2, 3, etc."; } } } public function required($value,$name,$id = "") { $value = trim($value); return ((empty($value) || $value == "")&&$value!=0) ? "Not be empty" : ""; } public function required_include_zero($value,$name,$id = "") { $value = trim($value); if (strlen($value)==0 || $value == "") { return "Not be empty"; } } public function not_zero($value,$name,$id = ""){ if ($value==0||$value=="") { return "Selected From Inventory"; } } public function picture($value,$name,$id = "") { if (($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["type"] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["type"] == "image/png") || ($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") || ($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg")) {} else { return "Upload Picture - Wrong file Type!"; } } public static function job_exist($value,$name,$id = "") { global $database; $status = true; $reason = ""; if(empty($id)) { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM jobs WHERE id = '$value' LIMIT 1 "; } else { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM jobs WHERE id = '$value' AND id != '$id' LIMIT 1 "; } $exist = $database->getOne($check_dep); if($exist == 1) { $status = false; $reason = "not already exist"; } return $reason; } public static function company_name($value,$name,$id = "") { global $database; $status = true; $reason = ""; if(empty($id)) { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM clients WHERE company_name = '$value' LIMIT 1 "; } else { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM clients WHERE company_name = '$value' AND id != '$id' LIMIT 1 "; } $exist = $database->getOne($check_dep); if($exist == 1) { $status = false; $reason = "not already exist"; } return $reason; } public static function email_exist($value,$name,$id = "") { global $database; $db_name = DB_CLIENT_ACCOUNTS; $status = true; $reason = ""; if(empty($id)) { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."users WHERE email = '$value' LIMIT 1 "; } else { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."users WHERE email = '$value' AND id != '$id' LIMIT 1 "; } $exist = $database->getOne($check_dep); if($exist == 1) { $status = false; $reason = "not already exist"; } return $reason; } public static function username_exist($value,$name,$id = "") { global $database; $db_name = DB_CLIENT_ACCOUNTS; $status = true; $reason = ""; if(empty($id)) { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."users WHERE username = '$value' LIMIT 1 "; } else { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."users WHERE username = '$value' AND id != '$id' LIMIT 1 "; } $exist = $database->getOne($check_dep); if($exist == 1) { $status = false; $reason = "not already exist"; } return $reason; } public static function employee_id_exist($value,$name,$id = "") { global $database; $db_name = DB_CLIENT_ACCOUNTS; $status = true; $reason = ""; if(empty($id)) { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."users WHERE employee_id = '$value' LIMIT 1 "; } else { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."users WHERE employee_id = '$value' AND id != '$id' LIMIT 1 "; } $exist = $database->getOne($check_dep); if($exist == 1) { $status = false; $reason = "not already exist"; } return $reason; } public static function sub_domain($value,$name,$id = "") { global $database; $db_name = DB_GLOBAL_CLIENT; $status = true; $reason = ""; if(empty($id)) { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."account WHERE domain = '$value' LIMIT 1 "; } else { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."account WHERE domain = '$value' AND id != '$id' LIMIT 1 "; } $exist = $database->getOne($check_dep); if($exist == 1) { $status = false; $reason = "not already exist"; } return $reason; } public static function supplier_name($value,$name,$id = "") { global $database; $status = true; $reason = ""; if(empty($id)) { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM suppliers WHERE name = '$value' LIMIT 1 "; } else { $check_dep = " SELECT count(id) FROM suppliers WHERE name = '$value' AND id != '$id' LIMIT 1 "; } $exist = $database->getOne($check_dep); if($exist == 1) { $status = false; $reason = "not already exist"; } return $reason; } public static function item_number_exist($value,$name,$id = "") { global $database; $db_name = DB_CLIENT; $status = true; $reason = ""; if(empty($id)) { $check_item = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."materials_inventory WHERE item_number = '$value' LIMIT 1 "; } else { $check_item = " SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name"."materials_inventory WHERE item_number = '$value' AND id != '$id' LIMIT 1 "; } $exist = $database->getOne($check_item); if($exist == 1) { $status = false; $reason = "not already exist"; } return $reason; } } ?>