getAll($sql); return $results; } public function get_all_schedule() { global $database; $sql =" SELECT, job_schedules.department_id, job_schedules.job_id, job_schedules.hours,job_schedules.users, job_schedules.start_date, job_schedules.end_date, job_schedules.hours, production_departments.department_name AS title,production_departments.color,production_departments.textcolor,jobs.job_name FROM job_schedules INNER JOIN production_departments ON job_schedules.department_id = INNER JOIN jobs ON job_schedules.job_id = "; $results = $database->getAll($sql); return $results; } public function get_all_schedule_filtered($keys) { global $database; $sql =" SELECT, job_schedules.department_id, job_schedules.job_id, job_schedules.hours,job_schedules.users, job_schedules.start_date, job_schedules.end_date, job_schedules.hours, production_departments.department_name AS title,production_departments.color,production_departments.textcolor,jobs.job_name FROM job_schedules INNER JOIN production_departments ON job_schedules.department_id = INNER JOIN jobs ON job_schedules.job_id = WHERE department_id IN (".$keys.") "; $results = $database->getAll($sql); return $results; } public function get_total_time_job($job_id) { global $database; $get_sum =" SELECT SUM( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( end_time ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( start_time ) ) /3600 AS dates FROM job_trackings WHERE job_id ='$job_id' "; $job_sum = $database->getRow($get_sum); return $job_sum['dates']; } public function create_schedule($context=array()){ global $database; $job_id = $context['job_id']; $dept_id = $context['department_id']; $start_date = $context['start_date']; $end_date = $context['end_date']; $hours = $context['hours']; $users = $context['users']; $submitter = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $current_date_time = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $insert = " INSERT INTO job_schedules SET job_id = '$job_id', department_id = '$dept_id', start_date = '$start_date', end_date = '$end_date', hours = '$hours', users = '$users', creator = '$submitter', date_created = '$current_date_time', submitter = '$submitter', date_submitted = '$current_date_time' "; $database->query($insert); $last_user_id = $database->insert_ID(); return $last_user_id; } public function get_labour_variance_reports($page_limit=""){ global $database; /*$sql = " SELECT id,quote_id,status FROM jobs WHERE status != '5' AND status != '2' AND status != '3' "; $sql = " SELECT id,quote_id,status FROM jobs WHERE status = '1' ";*/ $sql = " SELECT id,quote_id,status FROM jobs WHERE status = '1' ".$page_limit; $results= $database->getAll($sql); foreach($results as $result) { $quote_id= $result['quote_id']; $job_id = $result['id']; $get_variance =" SELECT sum( ( SELECT sum( hours ) FROM `quotes_production_time` WHERE quote_id ='$quote_id' ) - ( SELECT ( SUM( ( TIME_TO_SEC( end_time ) - TIME_TO_SEC( start_time ) ) ) ) /3600 AS dates FROM job_trackings WHERE job_id ='$job_id' ) ) AS totals "; $job_variance = $database->getRow($get_variance); $jobs[$job_id]=$job_variance['totals']; } return $jobs; } public function get_labour_variance_reports_count(){ global $database; $sql = " SELECT count(*) as total FROM jobs WHERE status = '1' "; $result= $database->getRow($sql); return $result['total']; } public function get_total_labour_variance(){ global $database; /*$sql = " SELECT id,quote_id,status FROM jobs WHERE status != '5' AND status != '2' AND status != '3' "; $sql = " SELECT id,quote_id,status FROM jobs WHERE status = '1' ";*/ /** kai 07/11/2012 * no status because giving the completed job to view labour, overall labour, materials status bar * */ $sql = " SELECT id,quote_id,status FROM jobs "; $results= $database->getAll($sql); foreach($results as $result) { $quote_id= $result['quote_id']; $job_id = $result['id']; $working_hours = "SELECT SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( end_time ) - TIME_TO_SEC( start_time ) )/3600 AS dates FROM job_trackings WHERE job_id ='$job_id'"; $get_variance =" SELECT sum( ( SELECT sum(hours) FROM `quotes_production_time` WHERE quote_id ='$quote_id' ) - ($working_hours ) ) AS totals "; $job_variance = $database->getRow($get_variance); $jobs[$job_id]=$job_variance['totals']; } return $jobs; } public function get_indiv_labour_variance($quote_id,$job_id,$dept_array){ global $database; foreach($dept_array as $k=>$dept_id) { $dept= $dept_id['dept_id']; $get_variance =" SELECT sum( ( SELECT sum( hours ) FROM `quotes_production_time` WHERE quote_id = '$quote_id' AND production_departments_id = '$dept' ) - ( SELECT ( SUM( ( TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF( end_time ,start_time )) ) ) ) /3600 AS dates FROM job_trackings WHERE job_id = '$job_id' AND department = '$dept' ) ) AS totals "; $job_variance = $database->getRow($get_variance); $jobs[$dept]=$job_variance['totals']; } return $jobs; } public function get_indiv_labour_variance_overview($quote_id,$job_id){ global $database; $sql =" SELECT production_departments_id as dept_id FROM quotes_production_time WHERE quote_id = '$quote_id' "; $dept_array=$database->getAll($sql); foreach($dept_array as $k=>$dept_id) { $dept= $dept_id['dept_id']; echo $get_variance =" SELECT sum( ( SELECT sum( hours ) FROM `quotes_production_time` WHERE quote_id = '$quote_id' AND production_departments_id = '$dept' ) - ( SELECT ( SUM( ( TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF( end_time ,start_time )) ) ) ) /3600 AS dates FROM job_trackings WHERE job_id = '$job_id' AND department = '$dept' ) ) AS totals "; $job_variance = $database->getRow($get_variance); $jobs[$dept]=$job_variance['totals']; } return $jobs; } public function get_total_material_variance($quote_id) { global $database; /*$get_variance =" SELECT sum(quantity) as total_quantity, sum(actual_used) as total_actual FROM quotes_materials WHERE quote_id='$quote_id' ";*/ //check count of quoted vs job installed // $sql = "SELECT count(id) counter1 FROM quotes_materials WHERE quote_id='$quote_id' // AND job_flag='0' AND actual_used > '0' // "; //$count_quoted = $database->getOne($sql); //$sql = "SELECT count(id) counter2 FROM quotes_materials WHERE quote_id='$quote_id' // AND job_flag='1' AND actual_used > '0' // "; //$count_job = $database->getOne($sql); //$arr = array_intersect($count_quoted['counter1'],$count_job['counter2']); //if($count_quoted < $count_job ) //{ //send a red flag/color // $material_variance1['total_quantity']=0; // $material_variance2['total_actual']=1; //} //else //{ /*$get_variance =" SELECT sum(quantity) as total_quantity FROM quotes_materials WHERE quote_id='$quote_id' AND job_flag=0 AND actual_used > '0' "; $material_variance1 = $database->getRow($get_variance); $get_variance =" SELECT sum(actual_used) as total_actual FROM quotes_materials WHERE quote_id='$quote_id' "; $material_variance2 = $database->getRow($get_variance); }*/ /*$get_variance =" SELECT sum(quantity*price) as total_quantity FROM quotes_materials WHERE quote_id='$quote_id' AND job_flag=0 AND actual_used > '0' ";*/ $get_variance =" SELECT sum(quantity*price) as total_quantity FROM quotes_materials WHERE quote_id='$quote_id' AND job_flag=0 "; $material_variance1 = $database->getRow($get_variance); $get_variance =" SELECT sum(actual_used*price) as total_actual FROM quotes_materials WHERE quote_id='$quote_id' AND actual_used > 0 "; $material_variance2 = $database->getRow($get_variance); //} $material_variance[] = $material_variance1['total_quantity']; $material_variance[] = $material_variance2['total_actual']; return $material_variance; } public function get_total_material_variance_per_item($quote_id) { global $database; $sql = "SELECT id FROM quotes_materials WHERE quote_id='$quote_id'"; $all_materials = $database->getAll($sql); if(is_array($all_materials)) { foreach($all_materials as $mats) { $id= $mats['id']; $get_variance =" SELECT quantity-actual_used as total_actual FROM quotes_materials WHERE id='$id' "; $material_var[$mats['id']] = $database->getOne($get_variance); } } return $material_var; } public function get_completed_job($job_id,$quote_id) { global $database; $get_complete =" SELECT SUM( (SELECT count(*) FROM quotes_production_time WHERE quote_id = '$quote_id') - (SELECT count(*) FROM job_trackings_completed WHERE job_id='$job_id')) as totals "; $get_complete =" SELECT count(*) as totals FROM job_trackings_completed WHERE job_id='$job_id' AND status='1' "; $job_complete = $database->getOne($get_complete); return $job_complete ; } public function total_quoted() { global $database; $get_complete =" SELECT count(*) as totals FROM quotes "; $job_complete = $database->getRow($get_complete); return $job_complete['totals']; } public function total_inprogress() { global $database; $get_complete =" SELECT count(*) as totals FROM quotes WHERE status = '1' "; $job_complete = $database->getRow($get_complete); return $job_complete['totals']; } public function total_onhold() { global $database; $get_complete =" SELECT count(*) as totals FROM quotes WHERE status = '4' "; $job_complete = $database->getRow($get_complete); return $job_complete['totals']; } public function total_cancelled() { global $database; $get_complete =" SELECT count(*) as totals FROM quotes WHERE status = '5' "; $job_complete = $database->getRow($get_complete); return $job_complete['totals']; } public function total_completed() { global $database; $get_complete =" SELECT count(*) as totals FROM quotes WHERE status = '3' "; $job_complete = $database->getRow($get_complete); return $job_complete['totals']; } public function get_jobnumbers($client_id) { global $database; $get_name = " SELECT id,job_number FROM quotes WHERE client_id = '$client_id' "; $results = $database->getAll($get_name); $final_results = array(); foreach($results AS $result) $final_results[] = $result; return $final_results; } function validate_precedence($job_id,$start,$dept) { global $database; $sql = " SELECT department_id, start_date, production_departments.department_name FROM job_schedules INNER JOIN production_departments ON job_schedules.department_id = WHERE department_id < '$dept' AND start_date > '$start' AND job_id = '$job_id' "; $check = $database->getAll($sql); $errors =''; // if(count($check)) // { // foreach($check as $ck ) // { // $errors .= "You cannot schedule this before ".$ck['department_name'].'
'; // } // } return $errors; } function validate_succession($job_id,$start,$dept) { global $database; $sql = " SELECT,department_id, start_date, production_departments.department_name FROM job_schedules INNER JOIN production_departments ON job_schedules.department_id = WHERE department_id > '$dept' AND start_date < '$start' AND job_id = '$job_id' "; $check = $database->getAll($sql); $errors =''; if(count($check)) { foreach($check as $ck ) { $str .= "id = '".$ck['id']."' OR "; } $str = substr($str, 0 ,-3); $sql = " UPDATE job_schedules SET start_date='$start' WHERE ".$str ; $results = $database->query($sql); } } public function update_schedule($context=array()) { global $database; $job_id = $context['job_id']; $dept_id = $context['dept_id']; $mysql_start = $context['mysql_start']; $mysql_end = $context['mysql_end']; $hours = $context['hours']; $users = $context['users']; $id = $context['id']; $submitter = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $current_date_time = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $update = " UPDATE job_schedules SET department_id = '$dept_id', start_date = '$mysql_start', end_date = '$mysql_end', hours = '$hours', users = '$users', submitter = '$submitter', date_submitted = '$current_date_time' WHERE id = '$id' "; $database->query($update); } public function update_schedule_from_drag($context=array()) { global $database; $mysql_start = $context['mysql_start']; $mysql_end = $context['mysql_end']; $id = $context['id']; $move = $context['move']; $submitter = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $current_date_time = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $job_id=$context['job_id']; $delta=$context['delta']; if($move == 'all'){ $update = " UPDATE job_schedules SET start_date= DATE_ADD(start_date, INTERVAL '$delta' DAY),end_date=DATE_ADD(end_date, INTERVAL '$delta' DAY) WHERE job_id='$job_id' "; } else { $update = " UPDATE job_schedules SET start_date = '$mysql_start', end_date = '$mysql_end', submitter = '$submitter', date_submitted = '$current_date_time' WHERE id = '$id' "; } $database->query($update); } public function remove_schedule($id) { global $database; $update = " DELETE FROM job_schedules WHERE id = '$id' "; $database->query($update); } public function get_all_clients() { global $database; $get_name = " SELECT id,company_name as name, address FROM clients "; $results = $database->getAll($get_name); //bug::bug_array('',$results); $final_results = array(); foreach($results AS $result) $final_results[$result['id']] = $result; return $final_results; } public function get_notes($id) { global $database; $get_notes = " SELECT quotes.qualification_notes,quotes.sitesurvey_notes,quotes.production_notes, quotes.management_notes,quotes.finance_notes, FROM quotes INNER JOIN departments_quotes ON = departments_quotes.job_id WHERE = '$id' LIMIT 1"; $results = $database->getRow($get_notes); //$results = $database->getAll($get_name); //bug::bug_array('',$results); $final_results = array(); foreach($results AS $result) $final_results[$result['id']] = $result; return $results; } public function get_job_number($id) { global $database; $get_job = " SELECT job_number FROM quotes WHERE id = (SELECT job_id FROM departments_quotes WHERE id='$id') "; $results = $database->getOne($get_job); return $results; } public function get_job_number_by_quote($quote_id) { global $database; $get_job = " SELECT job_number FROM quotes WHERE id = '$quote_id' "; $results = $database->getOne($get_job); return $results; } public function create_new($company_id, $job_name, $job_number, $signtype, $description) { global $database; $current_date_time = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $submitter = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $create_new = " INSERT INTO quotes SET `client_id` = '$company_id', `job_name` = '$description', `job_number` = '$job_number', `jobtype` = '$signtype', `description` = '$description', `status` = '1', `department_id` = '1', `stage_id` = '1', `creator` = '$submitter', `submitter` = '$submitter', `date_created` = '$current_date_time' , `date_submitted` = '$current_date_time' "; $database->query($create_new); $request_id = $database->insert_id(); return $request_id; } public function get_quotes($status_id) { global $database; $get_request = " SELECT * FROM $db_name"."quotes WHERE status = '$status_id' "; $results = $database->getAll($get_request); return $results; } public function get_quotes_bystatus($dept_id_array,$dept="") { global $database; if($dept==""){ $dept_query=""; }else{ $dept_query=$dept; } $get_request = " SELECT departments_quotes.*, quotes.client_id, quotes.job_name, quotes.job_number, quotes.description, quotes.stage_id, quotes.jobtype, quotes.submitter FROM $db_name"."departments_quotes INNER JOIN quotes ON departments_quotes.quote_id = WHERE ".$dept_query." departments_quotes.action_id=0"; //WHERE departments_quotes.department_id IN ('".implode("', '", array_unique($dept_id_array))."') $dept //"; $results = $database->getAll($get_request); $final_results = array(); if(is_array($results)) { foreach($results AS $result) { $final_results[$result['id']] = $result; } } return $final_results; } public function update($company_id, $job_name, $job_number, $signtype, $description,$id) { global $database; $submitter = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $current_date_time = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $database->StartTrans(); $update_request = " UPDATE quotes SET `client_id` = '$company_id', `job_name` = '$job_name', `job_number` = '$job_number', `description` = '$description', `stage_id` = '1', `department_id` = '1', `jobtype` = '$signtype', `submitter` = '$submitter', `date_submitted` = '$current_date_time' WHERE id = '$id' "; $database->query($update_request); logs::submit_logs(array("table" => "quotes", "action_type" => 2,"foreign_id" => $id, "description" => "Modified")); $results = $database->CompleteTrans(); return $results; } public function get_all_quotes_select() { global $database; $get_quotes = " SELECT * FROM quotes ORDER BY job_name "; $quotes = $database->getAll($get_quotes); $quotes_list = array(); foreach($quotes AS $result) $quotes_list[] = array('id'=>$result['id'],'name'=>$result['job_number']); return $quotes_list; } public function get_assigned_staff($id) { global $database; $get_staff = " SELECT users FROM job_schedules WHERE id = '$id' "; $staff = $database->getRow($get_staff); return $staff['users']; } public function get_colors($status='1') { global $database; $get_color = " SELECT * FROM schedule_colors WHERE status = '$status' "; $color = $database->getAll($get_color); return $color; } public function get_job_colors($id) { global $database; $get_color = " SELECT * FROM schedule_colors where id='$id' "; $color = $database->getRow($get_color); return $color; } public function save_job_colors($POST) { global $database; $job_id = $POST['job_id']; $color = "#".$POST['color']; $textcolor = "#".$POST['textcolor']; $submitter = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $current_date_time = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $save_color = " INSERT INTO schedule_colors(job_id,color,textcolor,creator,date_created,submitter,date_submitted) VALUES('$job_id','$color','$textcolor','$submitter','$current_date_time','$submitter','$current_date_time') "; $results = $database->query($save_color); return $results; } public function check_duplicate($id) { global $database; $get_color = " SELECT job_id FROM schedule_colors WHERE job_id='$id' "; $results = $database->getOne($get_color); return $results; } public function update_job_colors($POST) { global $database; $job_id = $POST['job_id']; $id = $POST['id']; $color = "#".$POST['color']; $textcolor = "#".$POST['textcolor']; $submitter = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $current_date_time = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); $save_color = " UPDATE schedule_colors SET `job_id`='$job_id',`color`='$color',`textcolor`='$textcolor',`submitter`='$submitter',`date_submitted`='$current_date_time' WHERE id = '$id' "; $results = $database->query($save_color); return $results; } } ?>